Sunday, June 26, 2022
"Learning to Listen"
Galatians 3:23-29 1 Kings 9:1-18 |
Sunday, June 19, 2022
"The Kingdom of Heaven Belongs to Whom?"
Psalm 127 Matthew 19:13-15 |
Trinity Sunday, June 12, 2022
"The Fulfillment"
Pentecost through John's Eyes, Part 2 Psalm 104:24, 27-33 John 20:19-23 |
Pentecost Sunday, June 5, 2022
"The Promise: Pentecost through John's Eyes, Part 1"
Acts 1:6-8, 2:1-4 John 14:8-17, 25-27 |
Sunday, May 29, 2022
"Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch"
Psalm 22:25-31 Acts 8:26-40 |
Sunday, May 22, 2022
"Stephen: Water and Witness"
Psalm 31:1-5, 15-16 Acts 8:8-7:1, 7:51-8:1 |
Sunday, May 15, 2022
"How Waiters Changed the World"
Psalm 148 Acts 6:1-7 |
Sunday, May 8, 2022
"Celebrating the Gift of Nurturing Life"
Psalm 23 Acts 9:36-43 |
Sunday, May 1, 2022
"What Do You Mean By This?"
Exodus 12:3-8, 11-14, 25-27 Mark 14:12-16 |
Sunday, April 24, 2022
"Visual Aids"
Revelation 1:4-8 Acts 5:27-32 |
Easter Sunday, April 17, 2022
"Where Is He?"
Luke 24:1-12 Revelation 1:9-20 |
Palm Sunday, April 10, 2022
"Peace and Glory"
Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 Luke 19:28-42 |
Sunday, April 3, 2022
"A Tale of Two Gardens"
Jeremiah 31:31-34 John 12:20-26 |
Sunday, March 27, 2022
"The Prodigal Father"
Joshua 5:9-12 Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32 |
Sunday, March 20, 2022
"Full to the Brim: You Are Worthy"
Isaiah 55:1-3, 6-9 Luke 13:1-9 |
Sunday, March 13, 2022
"Full to the Brim: Under God's Wing"
Psalm 27:1-6 Luke 13:31-35 |
Sunday, March 6, 2022
"Full to the Brim: Even in the Desert"
Deuteronomy 26:1-11 Luke 4:1-13 |
Sunday, January 2, 2022
"Bearing Gifts of Constellation"
Isaiah 60:1-6 Matthew 2:1-12 |
Sunday, December 26, 2021
Friday, December 24, 2021
Christmas Eve Service
Sunday, December 19, 2021
"Near to Our Joy"
Micah 5:2-5a Luke 1:39-45 |
Sunday, December 12, 2021
"Near to Our Outward Lives"
Zephaniah 3:14-20 Luke 3:7-18 |
Sunday, December 5, 2021
"Near to Our Hearts"
Malachi 3:1-4 Luke 3:1-6 |
Sunday, November 28, 2021
"The Promise of Nearness"
Jeremiah 33:14-16 Luke 21:25-36 |
Sunday, November 21, 2021
"Knowing Where You've Come From and Where You're Going"
Genesis 1:1-5 Colossians 1:15-20 |
Sunday, November 14, 2021
"Bountiful Gratitude"
Psalm 34:1-6 Luke 17:11-19 |
Sunday, November 7, 2021
"Bountiful Provision"
Genesis 37:1-14, 17b-20, 23-28 Genesis 45:1-15, 50:15-21 |
Sunday, October 31, 2021
"Bountiful Community"
Psalm 13 Romans 12:4-21 |
Sunday, October 24, 2021
"Our Bold Proclamation"
Psalm 13 |
Sunday, October 17, 2021
"A Sanctuary in Time"
Genesis 2:1-3 Exodus 20:8-11 Deuteronomy 5:12-15 |
Sunday, October 10, 2021
"Greater Love"
Psalm 25:4-6 John 15:-17 |
Sunday, October 3, 2021
"Psst..I'm Right Here Beside You-- Listen Up!"
Psalm 139:7-12 Romans 8:37-39 |
Sunday, September 26, 2021
"The Boundless Love of God"
Psalm 139:7-12 Romans 8:37-39 |
Sunday, September 19, 2021
"The Only Thing That Matters"
Genesis 15:1-6 Galatians 5:2-6 |
Sunday, September 12, 2021
"Hope Does Not Disappoint Us"
Psalm 33:18-22 Romans 5:1-5 |
Sunday, September 5, 2021
"Believing We Are Beloved"
Matthew 3:16-17, 4:1-11 |
Sunday, August 29, 2021
"The Bread of Life"
John 6:25-35 Mark 8:34-35 |
Archived Audio Sermons & Bulletins
Audio sermons and bulletins for our worship services prior to March 15, 2020 are posted below. For videos of worship services from March 15, 2020, onward, please visit our Facebook page. We began simulcasting to both Facebook and our YouTube channel on January 16, 2022, so video worship services from that date onward can also be found on YouTube.
2020 Lenten Series: "Going Deeper"Lent is a season of preparation for the events of Holy Week, when we remember the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Contemplating the meaning of these events for our lives can often feel a bit like a wilderness journey, but in the midst of that desert, Jesus points us to a well, from which we are invited to draw deeply and drink from the waters of the Holy Spirit. This Lenten season, we invite you to join us for a journey of “going deeper” in our relationship with God. |
March 8, 2020
"Going Deeper Into Our Hearts"
John 3:1-17 |
March 1, 2020
"Going Deeper Into Our Hunger"
Matthew 4:1-11 |
Called to Community:
February 23, 2020
"A Community Called to Belonging"
1 Corinthians 3:5-23 |
February 16, 2020
"A Community Called to Wisdom"
1 Corinthians 2:6-3:4 |
February 9, 2020
"A Community Called to Cruciformity"
1 Corinthians 1:26-2:5 |
February 2, 2020
"A Community Called to Humility"
1 Corinthians 1:18-31 |
January 26, 2020
"A Community Called to Unity"
1 Corinthians 1:10-17 |
January 19, 2020
"A Community Called to Hope"
1 Corinthians 1:1-9 |
Matthew’s R-Rated Epiphany:
January 12, 2020
"The Untold Christmas Story"
Matthew 2:13-23 |
January 5, 2020
"2020 Vision"
Matthew 2:1-12 |
Advent Sermon Series: Glimpses of HopeDeep blue is the color of the clear, predawn sky—the color that covers the earth in the dark, cold hours before the sun rises. This Advent, we are using deep blue as our liturgical color. It represents our hope in the promised light of dawn that the birth of Christ will bring, breaking over all of our horizons with healing and holy splendor.
The theme of our Advent sermon series is thus "Glimpses of Hope." As earth's hour tilts toward dawn, the prophet Isaiah points us to glimpses of hope on the horizon: peace among the nations, the reconciliation of enemies, the renewal of life, and the gift of God-With-Us. Next time you're at church, look for the two large, paper-lace banners in the Narthex (shown at the left). Look closely at the full-sized banners hanging on the walls in the Narthex for the following "glimpses of hope": plowshares and pruning hooks, the wolf and the lamb, the stump of Jesse, crocuses blooming in the desert, the star of Bethlehem, the wise men, the angels above, the shepherds and their sheep, and Mary, Jesus, and Joseph behind the inn. |
December 22, 2019
"The Sign of Immanuel"
Isaiah 7:1-16 |
December 15, 2019
"Blossoms in the Desert"
Isaiah 35:1-10 |
December 8, 2019
"The Wolf and the Lamb"
Isaiah 11:1-10 |
December 1, 2019
"Swords into Plowshares"
Isaiah 2:1-5 |
Foster's Pie PanCharles (Charlie) Davidson, a retired Presbyterian pastor and psychotherapist with Pastoral Counseling Services of Central Virginia, was the Darrel Rollins Professor of Pastoral Theology, Care, and Counseling at Virginia University of Lynchburg. He is the author of Bone Dead and Rising: Vincent van Gogh and the Self Before God (Cascade Books). Charlie attends New Hope and has taught classes for us on the life and spirituality of Vincent van Gogh. He is married to Georganne Spruce.
November 24, 2019
"Foster's Pie Pan"
Luke 9:57-58 |
The Transforming Love of GodWe welcome the Rev. Russ Moxley to the pulpit on November 17, 2019. Russ is an ordained pastor in the United Methodist Church and was trained as a facilitator by the Center for Courage & Renewal, founded by Parker Palmer. Until 2002, Russ was a senior fellow at the Center for Creative Leadership. Afterwards he served there as a part-time faculty member until 2018. Russ is an associate member of New Hope, and his wife, Jean, is a member. They live across the street from New Hope at Givens, and together they share six daughters and twelve grandchildren.
November 17, 2019
"The Transforming
Love of God" Romans 12:1-2, 9-18 |
Fall 2019 Stewardship SeriesThe theme of this year's Stewardship Season is "Growing Deep Roots." Since last year’s theme was “Sowing Bountifully,” we are building on that theme this year with an exploration of what it means to grow our roots deeply into Christ, as the Letter to the Colossians says: "Since therefore you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, abounding in thanksgiving." (Col 2:6-7) We will be looking at Scriptures that call us to be "Rooted in Christ," "Rooted in Our Local Community," "Rooted in the Communion of the Saints," and "Rooted in Gratitude."
November 10, 2019
"Rooted in Gratitude"
Colossians 2:6-7 |
November 3, 2019
"Rooted in the Communion of the Saints"
Hebrews 11:1-12:3 |
October 27, 2019
"Rooted in Our Local Community"
Colossians 1:1-2 |
October 20, 2019
"Rooted in Christ"
Colossians 2:6-7 |
God's EconomyWe were grateful to have been able to welcome the Rev. Michael Poulos to the pulpit on October 13. Michael serves as the director of Asheville Youth Mission, a non-profit that hosts groups of young people for mission experiences in the Asheville area. Isaiah 55 is a passage that is close to Michael's heart. Why would we spend our time, energy, and money on things that don't satisfy us, when God invites us to eat for free?
October 13, 2019
"God's Economy"
Isaiah 55:1-9 |
Sermon Series on Elijah & ElishaKing Ahab "did more to provoke the anger of the Lord, the God of Israel, than had all the kings of Israel who were before him" (1 Kings 16:33). So, God called the prophet Elijah to confront Ahab and his corrupt ways. What was it like for Elijah to be called to that kind of challenge? How was his life sustained in the midst of hardship? And where was God during such rampant political evil? Join Pastor Kim as we sojourn with Elijah and Elisha through the Books of First and Second Kings.
October 6, 2019
"Broken and Blessed"
2 Kings 4:42-44 |
September 29, 2019
"Humble Miracles"
2 Kings 5:1-15 |
September 22, 2019
"The View from Both Sides
of the Baton" 2 Kings 2:1-15 |
September 15, 2019
"Border Politics"
1 Kings 21:1-10, 15-21, 27-29 |
September 8, 2019
"When Home Is Silent"
1 Kings 19: 9-15a |
September 1, 2019
"Awoken in the Night"
1 Kings 19: 1-8 |
August 25, 2019
"No Contest"
1 Kings 18:22-40 |
August 18, 2019
"Out of Chaos, Life"
1 Kings 17:17-24 |
August 11, 2019
"Learning to Be Astonished"
1 Kings 17:8-16 |
August 4, 2019
"The Drought Begins"
1 Kings 17:1-7 |
July SermonsWe are so grateful that, while Pastor Kim was away in July, we got to hear messages from several of New Hope's resident pastors! Buddy Olney is a retired PC(USA) pastor and served churches in Tennessee, Virginia, and North Carolina before retiring to Asheville. Ed Hillman is a pastor in the United Methodist Church and currently serves as the head chaplain at Givens Estates. Ken Meeks is our Parish Associate for Visitation and most recently served as the Executive Presbyter of the Northeast Georgia Presbytery before his retirement to Asheville. On the last Sunday of July, our own Louden Young preached here for the first time since his graduation from Columbia Theological Seminary.
July 07: Rev. Buddy Olney July 14: Rev. Ed Hillman July 21: Rev. Dr. Ken Meeks July 28: Louden Young, M.Div., MA |
July 28, 2019
"Teach Us to Pray"
Luke 11:1-13 |
July 21, 2019
"Responsible and Response-Able"
Luke 10:38-42 |
July 14, 2019
"Unrepentant Cities"
Amos 7:7-17 |
July 7, 2019
"The Flood"
Genesis 6:5-8, 7:1-10 |
Peter, Paul, and Mary:
June 30, 2019
"Paul: Toppling Mammon"
Acts 19:23-31 |
June 23, 2019
"Paul: Into the Interior Regions"
Acts 19:1-7 |
June 9, 2019
"Blowin' in The Wind"
Acts 2: 1-21 |
Music Sunday
June 2, 2019
"Peter: The Times They Are A-Changin' "
Acts 11: 1-18 |
May 26, 2019
"Peter: Giving Life to the Life Giver"
Acts 9: 36-43 |
May 19, 2019
"Paul: from Enemy to Friend"
Acts 9: 1-20 |
May 12, 2019
"Mary: from the End to the Beginning"
John 20:11-18 |
May 5, 2019
"Peter: from Failure to Honor"
John 21:1-20 |
April 28, 2019
"Yes, It Is For Real"
John 20:19-31 |
April 21, 2019
"Turning Point"
Luke 24:13-35 |
Lenten Sermon SeriesThis Sunday we begin our Lenten journey toward Easter alongside Jesus, who, after his initial ministry in Galilee, resolutely “set his face to go to Jerusalem” (Luke 9:51). This verse begins Luke’s “travel narrative,” which tells the story of Jesus’ journey from Galilee to Jerusalem, where the events of his passion will soon take place. Along the road to Jerusalem, Jesus teaches those he encounters about the ways their lives must “turn around” if they want to be his followers. This Lenten season, as we too follow Jesus on the road to Jerusalem, we will explore the “you-turns” that Jesus is calling us to make as we prepare for Holy Week and Easter. What are we called to turn away from, and what are we called to turn toward?
April 14, 2019
"Turning from Might to Foolishness"
Luke 23:33-43 |
April 7, 2019
"Turning from Seeing to Being Seen"
Luke 19:1-10 |
March 31, 2019
"Turning from Crowding Out to Making Room"
Luke 14:1, 7-14 |
March 24, 2019
"Turning from Keeping Out to Letting In"
Luke 16:19-31 |
March 17, 2019
"Turning from Riches to Relationships"
Luke 12:13-21 |
March 10, 2019
"Turning from Home to Homelessness"
Luke 9:51-62 |
Sermon Series on the Gospel of LukeMatthew, Mark, and Luke are often referred to as the "synoptic" Gospels. From the Greek root words meaning "with the same eye," the word "synoptic" refers to the fact that these three Gospels use much of the same original source material to compile and tell the story of Jesus. While these three Gospels do share many of the same stories, the Gospel writers still pull these materials together in such a way as to emphasize their own particular theological themes.
This year, we will be stepping through the "Luke"-ing glass to see Jesus from Luke's particular point of view. In Luke's world, the Holy Spirit is active and ever-present, outcasts are brought to the center of our attention, and the good news is proclaimed not just for a few but so that "all flesh shall see the salvation of God" (Luke 3:6). |
March 3, 2019
"The Road to Glory"
Luke 9:28-36 |
February 24, 2019
"The Marks of Membership"
Luke 8:1-3 |
February 17, 2019
"Luke's Valentine"
Luke 7:36-50 |
February 10, 2019
"Parade Interrupted"
Luke 7:11-17 |
February 3, 2019
"The Upside Down Sermon"
Luke 6:17-26 |
January 27, 2019
"Caught by Surprise"
Luke 5:1-11 |
January 20, 2019
"The Campaign Platform"
Luke 4:14-30 |
January 13, 2019
"The Naming"
Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 |
Christmas & EpiphanyOn Christmas we celebrate the birth of Christ and the mystery of the incarnation. Epiphany, meaning "to shed light on," and which we celebrate on January 6, is marked by the visit of the wise men from the east and begins the season of interpreting what Christ's birth means to the world.
January 6, 2019
"Meant to Be Shared,
Not Hoarded!" Matthew 2:1-12 |
December 30, 2018
"One Size Fits All"
Colossians 3:12-17 |
Advent SeriesThe theme of this year's Advent series, “Every Longing Heart,” comes from the well-known Advent hymn, “Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus.” The first verse of this hymn concludes with the words, “Israel’s strength and consolation, hope of all the earth thou art; dear desire of every nation, joy of every longing heart.”
What did Israel long for in exile? And what do we long for as we experience "exile" in our own lives? What are the deepest longings of the human heart? Join us this Advent season as we explore some of our fundamental human longings and where the fulfillment of those longings resides. |
December 23, 2018
"Longing for Home"
Zephaniah 3:14-20 |
December 16, 2018
"Longing for Healing"
Malachi 3:1-4 |
December 9, 2018
No worship due to snow closure
December 2, 2018
"Longing for Wrongs to Be Made Right"
Jeremiah 33:14-16 |
Christ the King SundayChrist the King (or Reign of Christ) Sunday is the culmination of the Christian calendar. It centers on the exalted Christ, who rules over the whole universe. As the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, Christ is the center of the universe, the ruler of all history, the judge of all people. In Christ all things began, and in Christ all things will be fulfilled. In the end, Christ will triumph over the forces of evil. As sovereign ruler, Christ calls us to a loyalty that transcends every earthly claim on the human heart. To Christ alone belongs the supreme allegiance in our lives. Christ calls us to stand with those who in every age confessed, “Jesus Christ is Lord!” In every generation, demagogues emerge to claim an allegiance that belongs only to God. But Christ alone has the right to claim our highest loyalty.
November 25, 2018
"Truth Above Politics"
John 18:33-38 |
Sermon Series on GenerosityWe all love enjoying an abundant return on our investments. However, making an investment to begin with can give us more pause, regardless of whether we are investing money, time, or our hearts into something. What will happen if I take a risk? Will I have enough in the meantime? Will my investment really yield a worthwhile return? To all these questions, the apostle Paul says, “The point is this: the one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully” (2 Corinthians 9:6).
This stewardship season we are exploring the challenge and the joy of "sowing bountifully" as we seek to live lives of generosity. |
November 18, 2018
"The Lord of the Harvest"
Matthew 9:35-10:8 |
November 11, 2018
"Sowing Is for the Birds"
Mark 4:32 |
November 4, 2018
"Sowing for What Is Yet to Be"
1 Corinthians 15:35-44, 50-58 |
October 28, 2018
"Sowing for the Other"
2 Corinthians 8:1-5, 7-15 |
October 21, 2018
"Sowing for the Harvest"
2 Corinthians 9:1-12 |
Sermon Series on JamesOne of the biggest complaints about the church is that Christians don’t always “walk their talk.” As Christians, we ourselves demonstrate that we don’t always believe what we say we believe. When times are difficult, our actions reveal that we’d prefer to take our lives into our own hands rather than trust God. When our faith is tested, our doubts make us vulnerable to the allure of self-sufficiency and material security, and our neighbor becomes our competitor rather than the one we’re called to love. Yet, James challenges us to live with real integrity, such that our words and actions reflect the faith we profess in a generous God.
October 14, 2018
"Praying with Integrity"
James 5:13-20 |
October 7, 2018
"Patient Integrity"
James 5:7-12 |
September 30, 2018
"Economic Integrity"
James 1:9-11, 5:1-6 |
September 23, 2018
"Relating with Integrity"
James 4:10-17 |
September 16, 2018
"Friendships with Integrity"
James 1:5-8, 3:13-4:10 |
No audio recording due to power outage.
September 9, 2018
"Speaking with Integrity"
James 3:1-12 |
September 2, 2018
"Working Integrity"
James 2:14-26 |
August 26, 2018
"Impartial Integrity"
James 2:1-13 |
August 19, 2018
"Hearing and Doing with Integrity"
James 1:19-27 |
August 12, 2018
"Birthing Integrity"
James 1:1-4, 12-18 |