Local Community
![]() Housing Ministries
Join us for "Third Thursdays" at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore! From 2-4 PM on the "Third Thursday" of every month, we meet directly at the ReStore to do a variety of in-store service activities. Proceeds from the ReStore benefit Habitat's affordable housing program. Projects have included creating displays, assembling donated Christmas trees for sale, sorting through donation bins, and more. This is a great way to serve our community while making friends with New Hope folks. You can volunteer on a monthly basis, one time only, or whenever you can. Contact Susan Maveety to learn more. ROOM IN THE INN Room in the Inn partners with local congregations to provide shelter for up to 12 women. Each week, a different congregation opens its facilities to welcome the women as guests, offering a warm, safe place for them as they work hard to move forward to permanent housing. New Hope serves as a host congregation 1-2 weeks per year. The goal is to keep women without homes from sleeping on the street and risking their safety while building caring, supportive relationships with them, one week at a time. Room in the Inn is a ministry of Homeward Bound. Our next week of hosting will be May 24-31, 2020. Contact Susan Maveety for more information. |
![]() Hunger Ministries
Second Tuesdays, 4:15-5:30 PM Volunteer at the Food Bank while working alongside New Hope friends! This is one of our most beloved service activities, getting food ready for people who need it. You are welcome to join us on a regular monthly basis, just once, or whenever you can. Contact team leader Linda Lewis at (828) 483-6296. STEADFAST HOUSE Fifth Sundays New Hope provides and serves dinner. Steadfast House is a 43-bed facility that houses 26 single women and 7 moms with children. Ten of these beds are designated for female veterans. Contact Susan Maveety for information about our next meal serving opportunity. |
Sundays at New Hope
We invite you to set aside a few cents at every time you eat a meal. This simple act is an expression of thanks for what we have received. It is also a commitment to share with others in response to Jesus' command, "You give them something to eat" (Matthew 14:16). Bring the coins that you have set aside to church on the first Sunday of each month, and all of our coins together will "make a joyful noise unto the Lord" as they are received during the last hymn of the service! COLLECTION BOXES We collect egg cartons for the Asheville-Buncombe Community Christian Ministry (ABCCM), which receives donations of eggs in large crates. We also collect recyclables. Look for bins in the Narthex. EQUAL EXCHANGE FAIR TRADE PRODUCTS Do you drink coffee or tea? Do you love chocolate? We sell these Fair Trade products at competitive prices every Sunday! Your purchases also provide for the coffee we drink during the fellowship hour. We can also order other products for you through the Equal Exchange catalog. SEASONAL OPPORTUNITIES During the Christmas season, we support several organizations through the Alternative Giving program, including Heifer International, Asheville-Buncombe Community Christian Ministry (ABCCM), our sister church in Guatemala (children's scholarships), and Habitat for Humanity. "SOUPER" BOWL SUNDAY We raise money for the Souper Bowl of Caring every year on the day of the Super Bowl. All funds raised go directly to the MANNA Food bank. |